New Ardour Release - 0.99.1

hier dreht sich alles um midi-sequencing und harddiskrecording mit linux.
hier bist du also genau richtig, wenn du dich von programmen wie cubase, logic oder protools trennen willst...
Power User
Power User
Beiträge: 496
Registriert: Sa Jan 22, 2005 8:26 pm
Wohnort: berlin

New Ardour Release - 0.99.1

Beitrag von nowhiskey »

hab das da gefunden:

This is the first maintenance release of the Ardour 0.99.x series.
Many serious issues were fixed and stability is improved. This should
tide you over until Ardour2 is ready for mass consumption.

For Mac OS X users, one important thing to note is that sessions are
now interoperable between linux and mac. When you first open an
existing mac ardour session with the new version it fixes the illegal
audio file headers. However, this means that the old 0.99 version
will no longer be able to use the session. If this concerns you
(what, you don't trust us that 0.99.1 is better in every way?) please
make a backup copy of the session before opening in 0.99.1.

All information and downloads at:

Summary of improvements (not exhaustive):
- Added Read/write locks for better thread safety
and glitchless saves
- Ladspa automation crackling fixed
- Trim start to edit cursor fixed
- Unique id for plugins is stored so that plugin name changes won't
break sessions
- Fixed a metering crash due to routes having more active streams than outputs
- Cross-endian native wave file handling fixed
- Allow compiles without veclib optimization for Mac Os X 10.3
- Reorganized editor layout to make it fit in 1024x768
- Fixed various crossfade undo and update operations
- Region copy & trim undo corrections
- Fixed crash with localized export dialog
- Better hardware monitoring
- Fixed crash when looping with click
- Record enable midi feedback fixed
- Much more responsive automation midi feedback
- MTC timing latency compensation
- Fixed a memory leak when saving
- Prevent false overrun reports
- Minor fixes to export GUI
- 64 bit SSE
- fix compilation issues with gcc 4.0
- New scons parameter for system architechture and fpu optimization
- Select all fixed
- Petter Sundlöf (peppo) included in contributors


ich hab in den letzten 20 tagen kaum zeit dafür, seufz

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