Hallo leute,
bitte korrigiert mich wenn ich falsch liege oder irgendwas noch nicht gerafft habe.
es hat sich an meinem system einiges geändert.
laufe jetzt mit SuSE 9.1 und kernel 2.6.5-7.151-default
wie muss ich muse konfigurieren das ich meinen Roland rs-50 steuern kann?
ich habe jack so eingestellt wie in den howtos beschrieben bekomme es auch als root zum laufen. Nur wenn ich muse starte kommt....
also ich starte jack und bekomme
20:18:44.645 Statistics reset.
20:18:44.743 MIDI connection graph change.
JACK compiled with POSIX SHM support
20:18:44.861 MIDI connection change.
20:18:53.178 Startup script...
20:18:53.179 artsshell -q terminate
sound server terminated
20:18:53.794 Startup script terminated successfully.
20:18:53.827 JACK is starting...
20:18:53.828 /usr/bin/jackd -R -t500 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p2048 -n8 -s -S
20:18:53.847 JACK was started with PID=7332 (0x1ca4).
jackd 0.94.0
Copyright 2001-2003 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
loading driver ..
apparent rate = 44100
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|2048|8|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|soft-mode|16bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 2048 frames, buffer = 8 periods
20:18:55.917 Server configuration saved to "/root/.jackdrc"
20:18:55.919 Statistics reset.
20:18:55.979 Client activated.
20:18:55.984 Audio connection change.
20:18:55.991 Audio connection graph change.
delay of 98925.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 45893.000; restart ...
delay of 98925.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 45893.000; restart ...
delay of 98925.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 45893.000; restart ...
20:19:05.514 XRUN callback. (1)
20:19:05.520 XRUN callback. (2)
20:19:05.525 XRUN callback. (3)
20:19:24.394 Transport start.
20:19:51.483 MIDI connection graph change.
20:19:51.657 MIDI connection change.
20:19:51.821 Audio connection graph change.
20:19:51.860 Audio connection change.
20:19:51.965 MIDI connection graph change.
sobald ich nun eine standard midi datei abspiele stürzt muse ab.
wärend des startens von muse bekomme ich von Jack:
20:19:51.483 MIDI connection graph change.
20:19:51.657 MIDI connection change.
20:19:51.821 Audio connection graph change.
20:19:51.860 Audio connection change.
20:19:51.965 MIDI connection graph change.
20:21:37.597 XRUN callback. (4)
delay of 449261.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 44187.000; restart ...
delay of 449261.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 44187.000; restart ...
delay of 449261.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 44187.000; restart ...
delay of 449261.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 44187.000; restart ...
delay of 449261.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 44187.000; restart ...
delay of 449261.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 44187.000; restart ...
delay of 449261.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 44187.000; restart ...
delay of 449261.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 44187.000; restart ...
delay of 449261.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 44187.000; restart ...
delay of 449261.000 usecs exceeds estimated spare time of 44187.000; restart ...
20:21:37.634 XRUN callback. (5)
20:21:37.639 XRUN callback. (6)
20:21:37.646 XRUN callback. (7)
20:21:37.652 XRUN callback. (8)
20:21:37.661 XRUN callback. (9)
20:21:37.666 XRUN callback. (10)
20:21:37.675 XRUN callback. (11)
20:21:37.684 XRUN callback. (12)
20:21:37.689 XRUN callback. (13)
20:22:19.834 MIDI connection graph change.
20:22:20.035 MIDI connection graph change.
muse konfigurieren
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