wenn ich dann muse starte kommt aber folgendes ...[1] 3437
jackd 0.34.0
Copyright 2001-2002 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
[root@linux booker]# 3438 waiting for signals
running with uid=0 and euid=0, will not try to use capabilites
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|1024|2|44100|swmon
new client: alsa_pcm, id = 1 type 1 @ 0x8064768 fd = 12
port alsa_pcm:in_1 buf shm key 0x52ca087e at offset 4096 bi = 0x805c2c8
registered port alsa_pcm:in_1, offset = 4096
port alsa_pcm:in_2 buf shm key 0x52ca087e at offset 8192 bi = 0x805c100
registered port alsa_pcm:in_2, offset = 8192
registered port alsa_pcm:out_1, offset = 0
registered port alsa_pcm:out_2, offset = 0
-- jack_rechain_graph():
client alsa_pcm: inprocess client, execution_order=0.
load = 0.0792 max usecs: 36.767, spare = 23182.232
load = 0.1041 max usecs: 29.947, spare = 23189.053
bleibe also weiterhin erst malload = 0.1519 max usecs: 36.198, spare = 23182.801
new client: , id = 3 type 1 @ 0x8065978 fd = 14
cannot read request from client
bad hci
removing failed client state = Not triggered
adios senor
-- jack_rechain_graph():
client alsa_pcm: inprocess client, execution_order=0.
load = 0.1383 max usecs: 28.940, spare = 23190.061
load = 0.1408 max usecs: 33.265, spare = 23185.734

erst mal drueber schlafen