Weg von *buntu?
- Debian-testing (32bit und 64bit)
- GCC4 oder GCC5 Compilers
- 4.1.5 RT Kernel
- CPU governed "performance"
- KXStudio Repositories
- XFCE4 Desktop
- kein Pulseaudio
- ...
- Debian-testing (32bit und 64bit)
- GCC4 oder GCC5 Compilers
- 4.1.5 RT Kernel
- CPU governed "performance"
- KXStudio Repositories
- XFCE4 Desktop
- kein Pulseaudio
- ...
- linuxchaos
- Site Admin
- Beiträge: 1312
- Registriert: Mo Mär 03, 2003 9:32 pm
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: AVLinux
ich verwende debian-testing, habe aber einen sehr veralteten rt-kernel. da würde mir der kernel von avlinux sehr gut passen. leider finde ich dort weder einen kernel (.deb) zum download, noch irgendwelche sources, um das per apt zu machen. irgendwie stehe ich wohl auf dem schlauch...
hast du da einen tip für mich?
vielem dank.
ich verwende debian-testing, habe aber einen sehr veralteten rt-kernel. da würde mir der kernel von avlinux sehr gut passen. leider finde ich dort weder einen kernel (.deb) zum download, noch irgendwelche sources, um das per apt zu machen. irgendwie stehe ich wohl auf dem schlauch...
hast du da einen tip für mich?
vielem dank.
Re: AVLinux
Nein, keine Ahnung.
Evt. mal bei https://linuxmusicians.com/ fragen.
Die apps (u.a. KXStudio Repositories) sind halt aktueller, D.-testing hat ja linux-image-rt-amd64 (4.6+74).

Evt. mal bei https://linuxmusicians.com/ fragen.
Die apps (u.a. KXStudio Repositories) sind halt aktueller, D.-testing hat ja linux-image-rt-amd64 (4.6+74).
- linuxchaos
- Site Admin
- Beiträge: 1312
- Registriert: Mo Mär 03, 2003 9:32 pm
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: AVLinux
vielen dank für den hinweis - irgendwie übersehen oder der kam nach meiner letzten suche. und der scheint zu funktionieren. ich hatte jetzt keinen anlass für ein grösseres projekt, aber die ersten test waren fein...khz hat geschrieben:...D.-testing hat ja linux-image-rt-amd64 (4.6+74).
Re: AVLinux 2017
AV Linux 2017 \o/
Ein auf Debian stable (Debian 9 'Stretch') und u. a. den KXStudio Repositories Live und install Distribution.
Ideal für z. B. "ersten" (und dauerhaften) Kontakt.
Sehr gut beschrieben:
How to Install AV Linux:
Installiere firmware-linux-nonfree für ~unfreie/bessere u.a. Grafik Treiber. https://packages.debian.org/stretch/fir ... ux-nonfree
Deutsche Tastatur:
Einen Server in D beschleunigt das updaten
könnte dann z.B. sowas in der "etc/apt/sources.list" stehen:

# http://debiananwenderhandbuch.de/
# https://wiki.debian.org/de/FrontPage?ac ... StartSeite
# http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_ ... #quickscan
## http://www.linux-magazin.de/Ausgaben/20 ... echtzeitig
Ein auf Debian stable (Debian 9 'Stretch') und u. a. den KXStudio Repositories Live und install Distribution.
Ideal für z. B. "ersten" (und dauerhaften) Kontakt.

Sehr gut beschrieben:
How to Install AV Linux:
Installiere firmware-linux-nonfree für ~unfreie/bessere u.a. Grafik Treiber. https://packages.debian.org/stretch/fir ... ux-nonfree
Deutsche Tastatur:
Code: Alles auswählen
setxkbmap de
könnte dann z.B. sowas in der "etc/apt/sources.list" stehen:
Code: Alles auswählen
deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ stretch main contrib non-free

# http://debiananwenderhandbuch.de/
# https://wiki.debian.org/de/FrontPage?ac ... StartSeite
# http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_ ... #quickscan
## http://www.linux-magazin.de/Ausgaben/20 ... echtzeitig
Re: AVLinux
Code: Alles auswählen
isotester@avl64box:~$ screenfetch
_,met$$$$$gg. isotester@avl64box
,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. OS: Debian 9.0 stretch
,g$$P"" """Y$$.". Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.4.30-rt41-avl2
,$$P' `$$$. Uptime: 9m
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Packages: 2730
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Shell: bash 4.4.11
$$P d$' , $$P Resolution: 1920x1080
$$: $$. - ,d$$' DE: XFCE
$$\; Y$b._ _,d$P' WM: Xfwm4
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' WM Theme: Zukitre
`$$b "-.__ GTK Theme: Zukitre [GTK2]
`Y$$ Icon Theme: Vibrancy-Colors
`Y$$. Font: Ubuntu Medium 10
`$$b. CPU: Intel Atom CPU 330 @ 1.596GHz
`Y$$b. GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945G
`"Y$b._ RAM: 685MiB / 1993MiB
Code: Alles auswählen
mud@freedom ~ $ screenfetch
-/oyddmdhs+:. Plastic@People
-odNMMMMMMMMNNmhy+-` OS: Gentoo testing
-yNMMMMMMMMMMMNNNmmdhy+- Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.9.20-rt-rt16-Gilgamesh
`omMMMMMMMMMMMMNmdmmmmddhhy/` Uptime: 17m
omMMMMMMMMMMMNhhyyyohmdddhhhdo` Packages: 911
.ydMMMMMMMMMMdhs++so/smdddhhhhdm+` Shell: bash 4.4.12
oyhdmNMMMMMMMNdyooydmddddhhhhyhNd. Resolution: 1920x1080
:oyhhdNNMMMMMMMNNNmmdddhhhhhyymMh DE: LXDE
.:+sydNMMMMMNNNmmmdddhhhhhhmMmy WM: OpenBox
/mMMMMMMNNNmmmdddhhhhhmMNhs: WM Theme: Surreal_Gentoo
`oNMMMMMMMNNNmmmddddhhdmMNhs+` GTK Theme: ThinIce [GTK2]
`sNMMMMMMMMNNNmmmdddddmNMmhs/. Icon Theme: nuoveXT2
/NMMMMMMMMNNNNmmmdddmNMNdso:` Font: Sans 10
+MMMMMMMNNNNNmmmmdmNMNdso/- CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T @ 6x 2.809GHz [45.0°C]
yMMNNNNNNNmmmmmNNMmhs+/-` GPU: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 4.0, 128 bits)
/hMMNNNNNNNNMNdhs++/-` RAM: 510MiB / 11973MiB

## Date 26.5.17
Code: Alles auswählen
root@avl64box:/# synaptic



- AV Linux Assistant

- Additional Drivers

- tasksel
Code: Alles auswählen
┌───────────────────────────────────┤ Software selection ├────────────────────────────────────┐
│ You can choose to install one or more of the following predefined collections of software. │
│ │
│ Choose software to install: │
│ │
│ [ ] Packages for working with ambisonics (3D surround sound) │
│ [ ] Packages for creating animations │
│ [ ] Audio processing plugins, synths and virtual instruments │
│ [ ] packages for manipulating & cataloging music and audio │
│ [ ] Packages for broadcasting media publicly or in the home │
│ [ ] Extra packages for developers and package compiling │
│ [ ] Packages for Disk Jockeys │
│ [ ] Packages for drums & beats │
│ [*] Packages for your firewire audiocard / interface │
│ [ ] Packages for making and editing artwork │
│ [ ] Packages for playing with your (virtual) guitar gear │
│ [ ] JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit) and ALSA related packages │
│ [ ] LADI, Linuxaudio session management, packages │
│ [ ] Packages for looping music and audio │
│ [ ] MIDI related packages │
│ [ ] Packages for mixing and mastering your music │
│ [ ] Packages for musicians │
│ [ ] Packages for working with digital photography │
│ [ ] Packages which makes your multimedia tools complete │
│ [ ] Packages for working with Pure Data │
│ [ ] Packages for audio recording │
│ [ ] Software samplers │
│ [ ] Packages for sound synthesis │
│ [ ] Video packages │
│ [*] Debian desktop environment │
│ [ ] ... GNOME │
│ [ ] ... Xfce │
│ [ ] ... KDE │
│ [ ] ... Cinnamon │
│ [ ] ... MATE │
│ [ ] ... LXDE │
│ [ ] web server │
│ [*] print server │
│ [*] SSH server │
│ [ ] laptop │
│ │
│ │
│ <Ok> │
│ │

Re: AVLinux
Quelle: https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18394GMaq hat geschrieben:AV Linux 2018.4.12 has been Released!!
-Updated 4.9.76 RT Kernel with KPTI 'Meltdown' security patch (64bit AVL Only) - Thanks Trulan Martin!
*KPTI can be disabled at boot, see Manual page 76, Be aware no 32bit KPTI patch exists!
-Numerous important fixes to compatibility with KXStudio Repos - Thanks falkTX!
-Updated and fixed outdated Cin 5.1 and Spotify Repositories.
-WineASIO now works properly.
-Removed Grub-Customizer because it doesn't work on UEFI installs.
-ISO files now have accompanying MD5 and SHA256 files, verify your downloads! (Manual page 5)
-Optional 'lowlatency' Kernels (Required for Proprietary Video Drivers) - Thanks Trulan Martin!
-Optional 'SGFXI' Proprietary Video Driver Install (Requires 'lowlatency' Kernel).
-UEFI install (64bit AVL only) *So far only tested in VBox! - Thanks korakios and arjepsen!
-Wine-Staging replaces Debian's Wine packaging and WineHQ Repos have been added.
-Added firmware for Echo Audio devices
-Dynamic CPU Frequency adjustment (in 'Settings' menu) - Thanks korakios!
-Realtime Quick Config scan to check system tuning - Thanks raboof!
-Standalone AV Linux DD LiveUSB Writer to create ISOHybrid LiveUSB keys - Thanks Tony Brijeski!
-Simple Killswitch Utility to shut down unwanted processes.
-Kdenlive is back on the menu!
-Yoshimi comes back! - Thanks Will Godfrey!
-Xhip Synth and Plugins http://xhip.net/ - Thanks acidose!
-LinVST (64bit AVL only) - Thanks osxmidi!
-SFZero SFZ Instrument Plugin - Thanks osxmidi!
-Noise Repellent Noise Reduction Plugin - Thanks lucianodato!
-Added new Shuriken Beat Slicer Repositories - Thanks rockhopper!
-Added Dragonfly Reverb plugins - Thanks Michael Willis, rghvdberg!
-Cool Retro Terminal... it's just for fun!
-AVL User Manual is now 130 pages with numerous additions, expanded content and clarifications.
-Official bundled builds of Ardour 5.12, ArdourVST 5.12 (32bit AVL only) - Thanks Paul Davis, Robin Gareus et al!
-Harrison Mixbus 4.3 and Plugin Demos- Thanks Ben Loftis, Robin Gareus!
-All Applications and Plugins from the KXStudio Repos are synced and updated - Thanks falkTX and all FOSS developers!
-AVL Drumkits LV2 0.2.3 - Thanks Robin Gareus!
-Cinelerra 'Cin 5.1' Video Editor (SO many improvements!!) - Thanks Goodguy, Phyllis!
-LSP Plugins 1.1.1 - Thanks sadko4u!
-Shuriken Beat Slicer 0.5.1 - Thanks rockhopper!
-Polyphone 1.8.
-Quick Updater Utility cleaned up.
anahata, ByteMark, and Jeremy Jongepier at linuxaudio.org for Download facilities!
rockhopper, NUMAflex, drwhat - ISO Testing
jjfro, drwhat, ufug, magicalex and all other Manual Proofreaders!
-KPTI will introduce a performance hit, it's debatable how much it will impact Audio work but it does have an impact.
*KPTI can be disabled which will restore performance but leave your machine vulnerable to the 'Meltdown' exploit.
-Booting is slower on UEFI computers and getting to login takes longer.
-A recent update of Unetbootin no longer works to create bootable LiveUSB Keys of AV Linux 2018.
-AV Linux contains a new AV Linux DD LiveUSB Writer to write LiveUSB Keys with DD
-For those on other Deb-based Distros this is packaged here:
http://www.bandshed.net/packages/avl2us ... -1_all.deb
-Otherwise writing to USB Key with DD from commandline will also work.
If you're new to AV Linux or Linux Audio in general you NEED to RTFM!
*OK, GET AV Linux 2018 HERE!:
The documentation for AV Linux alone is a time investment of many hours not to mention curating an entire OS that is convenient to use and ready for professional grade Audio and Video production at your fingertips. My sincere and heartfelt thanks to those who have already donated and supported the project. It is my own choice to share my time and efforts on making AV Linux available but I think in the bigger picture communities work best when when there is engagement by both sides. I would also ask that that people consider donating to falkTX's KXStudio project which has greatly enriched not only AV Linux but also all Debian/Ubuntu derivatives..
Please consider hitting the yellow Paypal button on the AV Linux website, ANY amount is welcomed and appreciated thanks!
Glen MacArthur - AV Linux Maintainer
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